Alzheimer’s disease history stems back to 1901 when a German psychiatrist, Dr. Alois Alzheimer, interviewed a 51-year-old woman named Mrs. Auguste D. Auguste D.’ declinding mental health forced her husband to seek treatment. After not being able to recall several s shown to her by Dr. Alzheimer moments later, she became the first diagnosed patient in Alzheimer’s disease history. Although at the time it was termed “amnesic writing disorder”.
Further along in the story of Alzheimer’s disease history, comes the laboratory of pre-eminent Emil Kraepelin, where Alzheimer would later work, collaborating with Kraepelin in Munich, Germany. Kraepelin, who at this point had already written a leading psychiatric textbook, believed strongly that neuropathology could be linked to psychiatric behavior.
When Auguste. D. died 5 years after he original interview, Alzheimer examined her anatomy and neuropathology. And seven months later, he presented his findings describing the neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques that have become a recognizable, fundamental signs of the disorder.
Alzheimer"s Disease History
Occording to Alzheimer’s disease history, Kraepelin would later write about this, crediting the diagnosing of the condition to Dr. Alzheimer, securing the now established Alzheimer’s disease amongst the medical community.
Alzheimer’s disease history has predominantly reserved the diagnosis for patients between the ages of 45 and 65, since older patients were typically regarded as experiencing the normal effects of aging. However, in more recent Alzheimer’s disease history, specifically in the late 1970’s, the disorder has been accepted to be applicable to all ages, due to the identical symptoms found in young and old patients